| Associació Andorrana de Monitors d'Esquí | Andorra | ad-AAME | 103 |
| Asociación Argentina De Instructores De Esquí y snowboard | Argentina | ar-AADIDE | 1635 |
| Australian Professional Snowsports Instructors | Australia | au-APSI | 90 |
| Vorarlberger Skilehrerverband | Austria | at-VSLV | 0 |
| Belgian Ski Instructors Association | Belgium | be-AMBS | 235 |
| Bosnia Herzegowina Ski Instructors Association | Bosnia & Herzegovina | ba-BHSIA | 128 |
| Bulgarian Ski School | Bulgaria | bg-BSS | 49 |
| Canadian Ski Instructors' Alliance | Canada | ca-CSIA | 130 |
| Escuela Nacional de Instructores de Ski de Chile A.G. - National Chilean Ski School | Chile | cl-ENISCHAG | 312 |
| Hrvatski zbor učitelja i trenera sportova na snijegu - Croatian snowsport instructors and trainers association | Croatia | hr-HZUTS | 711 |
| Asociace profesionálních ucitelu lyzování | Czech Republic | cz-APUL | 339 |
| Danish Association of Professional Ski Instructors | Denmark | dk-DAPSI | 442 |
| Suomen Hiihdonopettajat r.y. - Finnish National Association of Ski Instructors | Finland | fi-FNASI | 238 |
| Deutscher Skilehrerverband e.V. | Germany | de-DSLV | 3507 |
| British Association of Snowsport Instructors | Great Britain | gb-BASI | 1498 |
| Union of Greek Ski Instructors | Greece | gr-UGSI | 147 |
| Síoktatók Magyarországi Szövetsége | Hungary | hu-SMSZ | 76 |
| Irish Association of Snowsports Instructors | Ireland | ie-IASI | 32 |
| Israeli Association of Ski Instructors | Israel | il-IASI | 63 |
| Associazione Maestri Sci Italiani | Italy | it-AMSI | 11392 |
| Professional Ski Instructors Association of Japan | Japan | jp-SIA | 991 |
| Association of Snowsport Instructors of North Macedonia - MAISS | Macedonia | mkd-MAISS | 48 |
| Montenegrin Association of Snowsport Instructors | Montenegro | me-MASI | 140 |
| Nederlands Vereniging von Ski- en Sneuuwsportleraren | Netherlands | nl-NVVS | 251 |
| New Zealand Snowsports Instructors Alliance | New Zealand | nz-NZSIA | 123 |
| Den Norske Skiskole | Norway | no-DNS | 87 |
| Stowarzyszenie Instruktorow i Trenerow Narciarstwa | Poland | pl-SITN | 412 |
| Snowpro Romania | Romania | ro-Snowpro | 273 |
| National Russian Ligue of Instructors | Russia | ru-NRLI | 3480 |
| Ski Instructor Association San Marino | San Marino | sm-SIAS | 355 |
| Strukovna Organizacija Interski Srbija | Serbia | rs-SOIS | 68 |
| Slovenská asociácia učiteľov lyžovania a snowboardingu | Slovakia | sk-SAPUL | 20 |
| Združenje uciteljev in trenerjev smucanja Slovenije | Slovenia | sl-ZUTS | 722 |
| Korea Ski Instructors Association | South Korea | kr-KSIA | 25 |
| Asociación Española Profesores Entrenadores Deportes de Inverno | Spain | es-AEPEDI | 1276 |
| Svenska Skidlärarföreningen | Sweden | se-SSLF | 416 |
| Swiss Snowsports Association | Switzerland | ch-SSS | 5907 |
| Türkiye Kayak Ögretmenleri Dernegi | Turkey | tr-TKOD | 28 |
| Professional Ski Instructors of America | United States of America | us-PSIA | 109 |